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High Yield Check-in: What the Analytics Say

  • Published:
  • 8 years ago
December 30th, 2016 A year ago, in the midst of severe distress in High Yield fixed income, a research bulletin was published for subscribers titled “Seven Salient Thoughts on High Yield Now” (December 17, 2015) whereby we outlined the following assessment: High Yield distress was primarily attributed to investor fear of oil-related defaults. Oil prices (and those of high yield…

Trump Triumphs… Now What?

  • Published:
  • 8 years ago
November 9th, 2016 What was considered nearly impossible on the start of election day happened last night as the U.S. electorate voted Washington outsider and businessman, Donald Trump, to become the 45th president of the United States. Investors now must wrap their minds around this previously unforeseen outcome. Here is our quick headline analysis. 1. Don’t panic, instead think opportunistically.…

2016: Following the Reacceleration Script

  • Published:
  • 8 years ago
October 28th, 2016 Last January, in the morass of falling oil prices, dismal returns across both stocks and fixed income, slowing global growth, and climbing market pessimism, Alphalytics maintained high conviction that recession risk was not elevated and 2016 would see a reacceleration in the economy. Today’s GDP release of 2.9% is indeed evidence that 2016 is following the script…

Alphalytics Research Releases Record of First Year

  • Published:
  • 8 years ago
September 6th, 2016 In recognition of a full year passing since the formal launch of Alphalytics Research in the summer of 2015, a condensed record has been compiled of the analysis and insight that subscribers have been receiving. The infographic below highlights the major market and economic events of the past year in addition to specific quotes or topics from…