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Maintaining Perspective in a Selloff

  • Published:
  • 9 years ago
Keeping a balanced view of the markets is one of the primary roles of professional investors. However, we know that the media is almost exclusively covering the negative sides. Because of this, we’ve summarized some important thoughts that should help you maintain a balanced perspective and communicate effectively with your clients. Stocks for the Longer Run It is times like…

Deconstructing a Historically Flat Market

  • Published:
  • 10 years ago
The notoriously flat equity market of 2015 has baffled investors, and thus, heightened nerves for many. Indeed, the lackluster nature of this market is one of historical proportions. So far this year, the S&P 500 index and the DJIA have both recorded positive returns for the 1st and 2nd quarters. However, each returned less than 1% per quarter. The last…